Happiness – week 1
Myths of happiness
We are going to start the blog spot with the myth of happiness. When we talk about happiness is always define by things like car, house and having lots of money etc. Is this the truth? What has research have to say about happiness? Let this week's journal to tell you more

The Happiness Myth – Why the pursuit of Happiness will make you miserable
In this article, it shows researches on how our myth of happiness lead to depression in the western society and what we should be focusing on to improve our happiness
The below video feature Dr. Russ Harris author of The Happiness Trap to talk about what are the 3 myths of happiness and the popcast dive deeper into how values can affect our happiness
Debunking Happiness Myths, with Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky
Psychologist Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky, who researchest happiness, explains that we are actually very poor predictors of what makes us happy or unhappy. Of course, it doesn’t help that we’ve been stuck with a lot of cultural myths about what things and situations should and shouldn’t.
On this show, which focuses mainly on relationships, Dr. Lyubomirsky lays out the realities shown in the research and also give us simple, practical ways to be happier — as well as practical thinking on how to assess when that’s just not possible and it’s time to get out.
How Defined Values Lead to Long-term Happiness | w/ Russ Harris
What kind of myths are you believeing in and what are you going to change? Do write it down in the comment box below